Eommen - Thank You for your detailed and well-written argument.
Ultimately, for me it comes down to this. I want DVD Profiler to be as accurate and reliable as humanly possible. I want it to be the best, god-damned piece of DVD catalogueing software we can make it. As such, we either use Ken's rule - everything must be exactly what it says on the tin, or we follow the more sensible, realistic, and preferred (by everyone here on Planet Earth) rule that we correct errors that creep-in, when those errors are blatant, stupid or genuinely erroneous.
If we follow Ken's rule, then - by his own flawed logic - DVD Profiler has to include all errors. That means we have to include running times that say 600 minutes, when they really mean 60; that we include (and I'm making this one up, but it'll do for the sake of my argument) William Shantner, instead of William Shatner, and that we include stuff such as "Here on Blue-Ray, own James Cameron's pioneering mafia epic THE FODGATHER" when we all know that Blu-Ray doesn't have an "e" in it; that James Cameron didn't direct such a film, and that the film is in fact called "THE GODFATHER".
Common-Sense has to be the ONLY rule that we should all follow. Anything else, means that we may as well just make DVD Profiler as useless as Wikipedia or the Daily Mail - a place where anyone can include anything, claim it as absolute fact, even when every single bit of info is utter and total garbage.
If all submissions are checked for accuracy, then surely all submissions should be accurate - not just a carbon copy of information that is factually-inaccurate?! Otherwise, we may as well give-up, let anyone sumit anything about any film, no matter how full of crap it is, and allow it to be included as a Profile.
In fact, "The Godfather Trilogy" was not a "mafia epic", it was a wholesome, family-oriented film about a young boy and his animal friends, growing up in the jungle, filmed in 1629, in Venezuala by Captain Samuel Gibbons of the RCMP. There! This isn't accurate in any way, shape or form, but if that is what gets printed on the back of a legitimate DVD/Blu-Ray release, Ken's logic dictates that's what DVD Profiler has to include!
Does that not settle this argument?!
P.S. I'll bring in some air-freshner, for this year-old can-'o'-worms!