I recently uploaded updates for 9 profiles. I made minor mistakes on 3 of them (case type, and the studio that was not mentioned on the case) but they were accepted and thankfully someone corrected them.
3 correct profiles (I checked again) were rejected, however:
(1) D.O.A. (714151-550962):
12-1, 3:38am, 1st submit: "Upgraded cover images (scanned at 150 dpi) Corrected credited cast list (checked from end credits on DVD) Updated crew list (from dvd case)"
11-1, 9:31pm, 1st decline: "The contribution notes indicated a valid source for the changes, but the contents of the changes appear to come from an invalid source. If the source is valid, recontribute with an extended note. If not, please do not contribute the data that comes from an invalid source, such as a third party database."
14-1, 10:21pm, 2nd submit: "I *really* don't understand why this contribution was previously rejected. I scanned the better cover images myself (at 150 dpi). I put the DVD in my DVD drive and manually checked the credits; they match the credits on the case. If (for example) IMDb contradicts them, IMDb should be considered in error."
14-1, 3:22pm, 2nd decline: "An invalid source, such as a third party database, was listed in the contribution notes. Use of a third party database is not allowed per the contribution rules."
Apart from the dates being all screwed up, I notice other people keep trying to submit updates for this profile and not succeeding. Since this is the DVD that is pictured in the forums as the example for its case type, this seems a bit strange.
(2) Video Music Awards: Rock (8-714865-559895)
12-1, 1:31am, 1st submit: "Uploaded cover images"
11-1, 9:29pm, 1st decline: "Sources for one or more of the changes and/or additions were not submitted. Please include the sources for your changes in the contribution notes, especially for cast and crew additions."
14-1, 10:30pm, 2nd submit: "'Sources for one or more of the changes ...'? 'Uploaded cover images' should be enough for new cover images. (And for anything that can be read on those cover images.) But I did scan them myself

14-1, 3:30pm, 2nd decline: "Sources for one or more of the changes and/or additions were not submitted. Please include the sources for your changes in the contribution notes, especially for cast and crew additions."
Er... I make a point of telling why my submission, in spite of the previous comments, *was* correct, and I get the same rejection comments.
(3) Control Factor (5-050582-061833):
12-1, 2:13am: "New cover images"
11-1, 9:29pm, 1st decline:"Sources for one or more of the changes and/or additions were not submitted. Please include the sources for your changes in the contribution notes, especially for cast and crew additions."
14-1, 10:25pm: "Sources for one or more of the changes...' etc.? Well, I scanned the new cover images (as stated) myself, and all the other information was on the cover."
14-1, 3:25pm, *accepted*
Well, since my 2nd comment was basically the same as with (2), I really didn't expect this...