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Movie Trivia for HTML Window |
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Registered: May 26, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 599 |
| Posted: | | | | bump Is there anyone here who might want to take a look at Muckl's coding for this HTML window and try to get it working again? This was a great addition, and I really miss it. Quote:
@name Trivia @description DVD Profiler HTML Window, that shows trivia saved in Notes. @author Muckl (http://www.invelos.com/UserProfile.aspx?alias=Muckl) @license (CC) Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported (http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/) @version 0.3.1 @date 2010-08-05 @dependencies DVD Profiler 3.5+, IE 6.0+ [IE 7.0+ for features imdbData, versionCheck & triviaCheck] @thanks - Addicted2DVD for the window request, valuable feedback, language advice and his trivia thread (http://www.invelos.com/Forums.aspx?task=viewtopic&topicID=432352) - DJ Doena for his Cast/Crew Edit 2 with trivia support (http://doena-journal.net/en/dvd-profiler-tools#CastCrewEdit2) @readme Please see ReadMe.html, download here: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=b185e4953a43cddfd9d5c56d04dfa8b0b7bb6ffd384adbee6d217c73094ddc3b
<title>Trivia v0.3.1</title>
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript"> <!-- <DP NAME="HEADER_VARS" Language="JavaScript" Comments="True" IncludeCast="True" IncludeCrew="True"> //--> </SCRIPT>
<script type="text/javascript">
/***************************************\ |********* START CONFIG BLOCK ***********| \***************************************/
// IMDb var imdbData = 2; // Check IMDb for available trivia or load it directly into the window [0 (do nothing) OR 1 (only check) OR 2 (load data)] var imdbSpoiler = 2; // Show IMDb trivia marked as "SPOILER" [0 (never) OR 1 (if movie hasn't been watched by any user) OR 2 (always)] var loadingIcon =true; // Use icon loading.gif instead of text message; has to be installed first (see @readme above) [true OR false]
// Notes var notesMsg = false; // Show a message, if no trivia items are found in the profile notes [true OR false]
// Additional tasks var versionCheck = true; // Check trivia thread for new Trivia HTML window version [true OR false] var triviaCheck = true; // Check trivia thread for available trivia items [true OR false]
// Links var linkCast = true; // Add links to DVD Profiler cast popups [true OR false] var linkCrew = true; // Add links to DVD Profiler crew popups [true OR false] var useIcons =true; // Use icons imdb.gif and external.gif instead of text links; have to be installed first (see @readme above) [true OR false] var newWindow = true; // Open new browser window/tab for external links [true OR false]
// Item list format // 'hline' --> separated with horizontal lines (see also lineColor underneath) // 'bullets' --> as bulleted list // 'paragraph' --> separated with new paragraphs // 'blank' --> separated with blank lines var listStyle = 'hline';
// Colours // transparent, black, gray, maroon, red, green, lime, olive, yellow, navy, blue, purple, fuchsia, teal, aqua, silver, white, ... // More colour names and info about hexadecimal notation --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors // For imitation of the DVD Profiler panel style set the values to 'black', 'teal', 'gradient', 'transparent', 'black', 'black'. var textColor = '#2E0854'; var linkColor = '#EE7600'; var bgColor = '#ECE0F8'; // 'gradient' --> display window background as gradient like in standard panel var noteBgColor = 'silver'; var noteBorderColor = 'grey'; var lineColor = 'silver';
// Text formatting var textStyle = 'normal'; // Font style ['normal' OR 'italic' OR 'oblique'] var textWeight = 'normal'; // Font weight ['normal' OR 'bold' OR 'bolder' OR 'lighter'] var textSize = 22; // Font size in pixel [integer] var textFont = "Cardiff"; // Font family [font name(s)] --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Font_family_(HTML)
// Language // 'auto' --> auto-detect // 'en' --> English // 'de' --> German // If your preferred language isn't listed, see @readme above for further instructions var langCode = 'auto';
/***************************************\ |********** END CONFIG BLOCK ************| \***************************************/
// globals var g_threadUrl = 'http://www.invelos.com/Forums.aspx?task=viewtopic&topicID=432352&PageNum=1'; var g_downloadUrl = 'http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=b185e4953a43cddfd9d5c56d04dfa8b0b7bb6ffd384adbee6d217c73094ddc3b';
// test some user-defined values if (!testColor(textColor)) textColor = 'black'; if (!testColor(linkColor)) linkColor = 'teal'; if (!testColor(bgColor)) bgColor = 'white'; bgColor = (bgColor === 'gradient' && testColor(DP_Color_BackgroundSolid) && testColor(DP_Color_PanelGradBottom)) ? 'filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#ff' + DP_Color_BackgroundSolid.slice(1, 7) + ', endColorstr=#ff' + DP_Color_PanelGradBottom.slice(1, 7) + ')' : 'background-color: ' + bgColor; if (!testColor(noteBgColor)) noteBgColor = 'silver'; if (!testColor(noteBorderColor)) noteBorderColor = 'grey'; if (!testColor(lineColor)) lineColor = 'silver'; if (!/^[a-zA-Z]{6,}$/.test(textStyle)) textStyle = 'normal'; if (!/^[a-zA-Z]{4,}$/.test(textWeight)) textWeight = 'normal'; textSize = (isFinite(textSize)) ? Math.round(parseFloat(textSize, 10)) + 'px' : '12px'; if (!/^[\w\-,' ]+$/.test(textFont)) textFont = 'Cardiff';
// localization var lang = { en:["object is not available!", "Status", "Trivia items might be available on the Invelos Forums", "A new version of the Trivia HTML window is available for download", "Couldn't find a valid IMDb link. Please", "submit a profile link on www.invelos.com", "or", "add the IMDb id for this profile to the notes (e.g.", "LOADING DATA", "Trivia is available in the IMDb", "The Trivia section for this film has no entries on its page at IMDb", "There are no trivia items stored in the notes", "One or more activated features require Internet Explorer version 7.0 or above!", "Open cast/crew window for"], de:["Objekt ist nicht verfügbar!", "Status", "Es könnten Hintergrundinfos im Invelos-Forum verfügbar sein", "Eine neue Version des Trivia HTML-Fensters ist zum Download verfügbar", "Es konnte kein gültiger IMDb-Link gefunden werden. Bitte", "tragen Sie einen Profil-Link auf www.invelos.com ein", "oder", "fügen Sie die IMDb-ID für dieses Profil zu den Notizen hinzu (z.B.", "DATEN WERDEN GELADEN", "Es sind Hintergrundinfos auf IMDb verfügbar", "Es sind keine Hintergrundinfos auf IMDb verfügbar", "Es sind keine Hintergrundinfos in den Notizen gespeichert", "Ein oder mehrere aktiviere Funktionen benötigen Internet Explorer Version 7.0 oder höher!", "Öffne Darsteller-/Crew-Fenster für"], nl:["object is niet beschikbaar", "Status", "Trivia items mogelijk beschikbaar op de Invelos Forums", "Er is een nieuwe versie van de Trivia HTML window beschikbaar voor download", "Kon geen geldige IMDb link vinden. Alstublieft", "stuur een profiel link naar invelos.com", "of", "voeg een IMDb id aan de notities (bv.", "OPHALEN VAN DATA", "Trivia beschikbaar op IMDb", "Er is geen trivia beschikbaar op IMDb", "Er is geen trivia beschikbaar in de notities", "De Trivia HTML window heeft Internet Explorer 7 (of beter) nodig", "Open cast/crew window for"] }; if (langCode === 'auto' && navigator.userLanguage) { langCode = navigator.userLanguage.slice(0, 2).toLowerCase(); } if (typeOf(lang[langCode]) !== 'array') { langCode = 'en'; } lang = lang[langCode];
// helper functions function sendRequest(url, data, method, contentType, handler) { var http = new XMLHttpRequest(), requestBody = [], key; if (typeOf(http) !== 'object') { alert('XMLHttpRequest ' + lang[0]); return false; } if (typeOf(data) === 'object') { for (key in data) { requestBody.push(key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(data[key])); } requestBody = requestBody.join('&'); } else { requestBody = data; } method = method.toUpperCase(); if (method === 'POST') { http.open(method, url, true); http.setRequestHeader('Method', 'POST ' + url + ' HTTP/1.1'); http.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); } else { if (requestBody) { url += (url.indexOf('?') < 0 ? '?' : '&') + requestBody; } requestBody = ''; http.open(method, url, true); if (!isEmpty(contentType)) { http.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', contentType); } } if (handler) { http.onreadystatechange = function () { if (http.readyState === 4) { http.onreadystatechange = function () {}; handler(http); } }; } http.send(requestBody); return http; } function addStyle(rules) { var css = document.createStyleSheet(), style = css.owningElement || css.ownerNode, rule = rules.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').replace(/\/\*.+?\*\//g, '').split('}'), i, j; style.type = 'text/css'; for (i = 0; i < rule.length; i += 1) { p = rule[i].indexOf('{'); selector = rule[i].substring(0,p).trim(); text = rule[i].substring(p + 1).trim() || ' '; if (selector) { if (selector.indexOf(',')) { singleSelector = selector.split(','); } else { singleSelector = new Array(selector); } for (j = 0; j < singleSelector.length; j += 1) { css.addRule(singleSelector[j].trim(), text); } } } return style; } function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } function typeOf(v) { var s = typeof v; if (s === 'object') { if (v) { if (v instanceof Array) { s = 'array'; } } else { s = 'null'; } } return s; } function isEmpty(v) { if (v) { return (v === '' || v === null || v.length === 0); } else { return true; } } String.prototype.mask = function () { var arrSpecials = ['\\', '^', '[', ']', '(', ')', '$', '.', '|', '?', '*', '+', '{', '}', '/'], res = this, i; for (i = 0; i < arrSpecials.length; i += 1) { res = res.replace(eval('/\\' + arrSpecials[i] + '/g'), '\\' + arrSpecials[i]); } return res; } String.prototype.trim = function (m) { var l = '^[\\s\\n\\r\\t]+', r = '[\\s\\n\\r\\t]+$', rx; m = (m || ''); switch (m.toUpperCase()) { case 'L': m = l; break; case 'R': m = r; break; default : m = l + '|' + r; } rx = new RegExp(m, 'g'); return this.replace(rx, ''); } function alertErr(err, msg) { var nr = err.number, desc = err.description; if (isEmpty(desc)) { desc = 'Error ' + nr + ' (0x' + ((nr < 0) ? (nr + 0xFFFFFFFF + 1).toString(16) : nr) + ')'; } msg = (typeOf(msg) === 'string' && !isEmpty(msg)) ? '\n\n[ ' + msg + ' ]' : ''; alert(desc + msg); return false; } function alertStatus(fn, http) { alert(fn + '() HTTP ' + lang[1] + ':\n\n' + http.status + ' - ' + http.statusText); return false; } function addNote(note) { document.body.innerHTML = '<div class="note">' + note + '</div>' + document.body.innerHTML; return false; } function testColor(color) { return /^[a-zA-Z]{3,}$|^#[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}$/.test(color); }
// check thread for trivia items and new version function checkTrivia(text, inNotes) { var offset = 0, rx = new RegExp('href="', 'gi'), res = [], c = 0; if (text.match(/Trivia Index .*?)<\/TD>/i) !== null) { text = RegExp.$1; try { offset = text.search(new RegExp('\\b' + (DP_OriginalTitle || DP_Title).mask() + '\\b', 'i')); if (offset > -1) { text = text.substr(offset); text = text.slice(0, text.search(/<FONT SIZE="4"><b><u>/im)); while ((res = rx.exec(text)) !== null) { c++; } if (c > inNotes) { addNote(lang[2] + ':<br><a href="' + g_threadUrl + '"' + ((newWindow) ? ' target="_blank"' : '') + '>Movie Trivia for HTML Window</a>'); } } } catch (e) { return alertErr(e, 'checkTrivia()'); } } } function checkVersion(text) { var latest = latestDate = current = ''; if (text.match(/Trivia v(\d\.\d\.\d).+?\((\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})\)/i) !== null) { latest = RegExp.$1; latestDate = RegExp.$2; if (document.title.match(/Trivia v(\d\.\d\.\d)/i) !== null) { current = RegExp.$1; if (parseInt(current.replace(/\./g, ''), 10) < parseInt(latest.replace(/\./g, ''), 10)) { addNote(lang[3] + ':<br><a href="' + g_downloadUrl + '"' + ((newWindow) ? ' target="_blank"' : '') + '>Trivia v' + latest + ' (' + latestDate + ')</a>'); } } } } function getThread(inNotes) { sendRequest(g_threadUrl, 'ignoreMe=' + new Date().getTime(), 'GET', '', function (http) { if (http.status === 200) { if (triviaCheck) { checkTrivia(http.responseText, inNotes); } if (versionCheck) { checkVersion(http.responseText); } } else { alertStatus('getThread', http); } }); }
// get imdb id and check imdb for trivia function processIMDb(triviaUrl) { sendRequest(triviaUrl, '', 'GET', '', function (http) { if (http.status === 200) { formatList(new RegExp('<a name=#tr\\d{7,} ></a>\n<div class="sodatext"> \n((.|\n)+?)<br>', 'gi'), http.responseText, triviaUrl); } else { alertStatus('processIMDb', http); } }); } function getIMDb() { if (DP_Notes !== undefined && DP_Notes.match(/(?:<imdb>[^<]*?|<imdb=(?:\/(?!>)|[^\/])*?)(tt\d{7,})(? ?:\/(?!>)|[^\/])*?\/>|[^<]*?<\/imdb>)/i) !== null) { processIMDb('http://www.imdb.com/title/' + RegExp.$1 + '/trivia'); } else if (DP_WebLink_ProfileLinksPage !== undefined && !isEmpty(DP_WebLink_ProfileLinksPage)) { sendRequest(DP_WebLink_ProfileLinksPage, 'ignoreMe=' + new Date().getTime(), 'GET', '', function (http) { if (http.status === 200) { if (http.responseText.match(/imdb\.com\/title\/(tt\d{7,})/) !== null) { processIMDb('http://www.imdb.com/title/' + RegExp.$1 + '/trivia'); } else { loading(0); addNote(lang[4] + ((!/^M\d+/.test(DP_UPC)) ? ' <a href="http://www.invelos.com/Database.aspx?task=' + ((DP_UPC) ? 'links&upc=' + DP_UPC : 'linklist') + '"' + ((newWindow) ? ' target="_blank"' : '') + '>' + lang[5] + '</a> ' + lang[6] : '') + ' ' + lang[7] + ' <i><imdb=tt0123456/></i> ' + lang[6] + ' <i><imdb>tt0123456</imdb></i>).'); } } else { alertStatus('getIMDb', http); } }); } }
// build and format output function loading(action) { var loaded = $('loading'), css, text; if (action === 0) { if (typeOf(loaded) === 'object') { document.body.removeChild(loaded); } } else { if (loadingIcon) { css = 'class="loading"'; text = ' '; } else { css = 'style="text-align: center"'; text = lang[8] + ' . . .'; } document.body.innerHTML += '<div id="loading" ' + css + '>' + text + '</div>'; } } function linkCredits(code, credits) { var type = (credits[0].voice === undefined) ? 'crew' : 'cast', add = middleName = lastName = '', rx, i; try { for (i = 0; i < credits.length; i += 1) { if (credits[i].id > -1) { if (type === 'crew') { switch (credits[i].creditType) { case 'Direction': add = ',0'; break; case 'Writing': add = ',1'; break; case 'Production': add = ',2'; break; case 'Cinematography': add = ',3'; break; case 'Film Editing': add = ',4'; break; case 'Music': add = ',5'; break; case 'Sound': add = ',6'; break; case 'Art': add = ',7'; break; } } middleName = (credits[i].middleName === '') ? '' : ' ' + credits[i].middleName; lastName = (credits[i].lastName === '') ? '' : ' ' + credits[i].lastName; rx = new RegExp('(<a[^>]+?href="([^"]*?)"[^>]*?>|)(?:' + credits[i].firstName.mask() + middleName.mask() + lastName.mask() + ((credits[i].creditedAs === '') ? '' : '|' + credits[i].creditedAs.mask()) + ')(?:<\\/a>|)', 'gi'); code = code.replace(rx, function (str, p1, p2, offset, s) { var newCode = classImg = classText = text = credit = ''; if (p1 !== '') { if (p2.indexOf('imdb.com') > -1) { classImg = 'imgimdb'; classText = 'ext imdb'; text = 'IMDb'; } else { classImg = 'imgext'; classText = 'ext'; text = '[INFO]'; } newCode += '<a href="' + p2 + '"' + ((useIcons) ? ' class="' + classImg + '">' : ' class="nu ' + classText + '">' + text) + '</a> '; } credit = '<span class="fn">' + credits[i].firstName + '</span> <span class="mn">' + credits[i].middleName + '</span> <span class="ln">' + credits[i].lastName + '</span>'; newCode += '<a href="_dp' + type + '_' + credits[i].id + add + '" class="nu">' + credit + '</a>'; return newCode; }); } } return code; } catch (e) { return alertErr(e, 'linkCredits() - ' + type); } } function formatList(rx, text, triviaUrl) { var pre = suf = code = '', res = links = [], c = 0, j, imdb = !isEmpty(triviaUrl), watched = ((DP_LastWatched || new Date(1899,11,30)).getTime() === -2209165200000) ? false : true; switch (listStyle) { case 'bullets': pre = '<li>'; suf = '</li>'; break; case 'paragraph': pre = '<p>'; suf = '</p>'; break; case 'blank': suf = '<br><br>'; break; default: suf = '<hr />'; } try { while ((res = rx.exec(text)) !== null) { if (imdb && res[1].indexOf('SPOILER') > -1 && (imdbSpoiler === 0 || imdbSpoiler === 1 && !watched)) { continue; } code += pre + res[1].trim().replace(/href="\//gim, 'href="http://www.imdb.com/') + suf; c++; } } catch (e) { return alertErr(e, 'formatList() - build list code'); } if (c > 0) { if (!imdb || (imdb && imdbData === 2)) { if (pre === '' && (imdb || (!imdb && imdbData < 2))) { code = code.slice(0, -suf.length); } else if (pre === '<li>') { code = '<ul>' + code + '</ul>'; } if (linkCast && DP_CastEntries !== undefined && !isEmpty(DP_CastEntries)) { code = linkCredits(code, DP_CastEntries); } if (linkCrew && DP_CrewEntries !== undefined && !isEmpty(DP_CrewEntries)) { code = linkCredits(code, DP_CrewEntries); } document.body.innerHTML += code; try { links = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (j = 0; j < links.length; j += 1) { if (links[j].href.indexOf('_dp') < 0) { if (newWindow) { links[j].target = '_blank'; } links[j].style.color = linkColor; links[j].title = links[j].href; } else { links[j].title = lang[13] + ' ' + links[j].innerText; } } } catch (e) { return alertErr(e, 'formatList() - modify links'); } } else if (imdb && imdbData === 1) { addNote(lang[9] + ': <a href="' + triviaUrl + '"' + ((newWindow) ? ' target="_blank"' : '') + '>' + triviaUrl + '</a>'); } } else { if (imdb) { addNote(lang[10] + ' ...'); } else if (notesMsg) { addNote(lang[11] + ' ...'); } } if (imdbData > 0) { loading(0); } return c; }
// initiate script window.onload = function () { var listItems = 0, rx = new RegExp('<trivia=(([^\\/]|\\/(?!>' + '))*?)\\/>', 'gi'), ie7plus = (window.XMLHttpRequest && document.all) ? true : false; addStyle('body { ' + bgColor + '; color: ' + textColor + '; font: ' + textStyle + ' ' + textWeight + ' ' + textSize + ' ' + textFont + '; } hr { color: ' + lineColor + '; } .note { background-color: ' + noteBgColor + '; border: 1px solid ' + noteBorderColor + '; } .note a { color: ' + linkColor + '; font-weight: bold; }'); if (DP_Notes !== undefined && !isEmpty(DP_Notes)) { listItems = formatList(rx, DP_Notes); } else if (notesMsg) { addNote(lang[11]); } if (ie7plus) { if (imdbData > 0) { loading(); getIMDb(); } if (triviaCheck || versionCheck) { getThread(listItems); } } else { addNote('<b>' + lang[12] + '</b>'); } };
<style type="text/css"> body { margin: 10px 10px 20px 10px; overflow: auto; } hr { width: 90%; height: 1px; margin: 8px 0px; } ul { margin: 15px; } li { margin-bottom: 15px; } .ext, #loading { font-weight: bold; font-size: 75%; } .imdb { background-color: #FFCC00; color: black !important; padding: 1px 2px 0px 2px; } .imgext { width: 11px; background: url($DPIMAGES.external.gif) no-repeat center; margin-right: 4px; } .imgimdb { width: 16px; background: url($DPIMAGES.imdb.gif) no-repeat center; margin-right: 4px; } .loading { height: 18px; background: url($DPIMAGES.loading.gif) no-repeat center; } .nu { text-decoration: none; } .fn { color: #000080; } .mn { color: #800000; } .ln { color: #008000; } .note { margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 3px; } </style>
</BODY> </HTML> |
| Registered: March 13, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 17,337 |
| Posted: | | | | I would love to see this as well! | | | Pete |
| Registered: March 2, 2008 | Posts: 33 |
| Posted: | | | | for me the following seems to be working... changing
// get imdb id and check imdb for trivia function processIMDb(triviaUrl) { sendRequest(triviaUrl, '', 'GET', '', function (http) { if (http.status === 200) { formatList(new RegExp('<a name=#tr\\d{7,} ></a>\n<div class="sodatext"> \n((.|\n)+?)<br>', 'gi'), http.responseText, triviaUrl); } else { alertStatus('processIMDb', http); } }); }
// get imdb id and check imdb for trivia function processIMDb(triviaUrl) { sendRequest(triviaUrl, '', 'GET', '', function (http) { if (http.status === 200) { formatList(new RegExp('<a name="tr\\d{7,}"></a>\n <div class="sodatext">\n((.|\n)+?)<br />', 'gi'), http.responseText, triviaUrl); } else { alertStatus('processIMDb', http); } }); }
| | | Matze
"There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it." - Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) |
| Registered: March 13, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 17,337 |
| Posted: | | | | Thank You... I really appreciate some working on this again. Unfortunately this don't seem to work for me. All I get now is a constant "working" icon. No matter the wait time it doesn't pull any info. | | | Pete |
| Registered: March 2, 2008 | Posts: 33 |
| Posted: | | | | Pete, thx for your feedback. First of all, I am not an expert, but as far as I understood  , is the IMDb trivia page parsed for following "tags/ sections". Quote:
<a name=#tr1363674 ></a> <div class="sodatext">
An early draft of the screenplay was written by <a href="/name/nm0232776/">Thomas Dean Donnelly</a> and <a href="/name/nm0649191/">Joshua Oppenheimer</a>. <br>
But due to a layout change?! is the new IMDb trivia page format we are looking for: Quote:
<a name="tr1363674"></a> <div class="sodatext">
An early draft of the screenplay was written by <a href="/name/nm0232776/">Thomas Dean Donnelly</a> and <a href="/name/nm0649191/">Joshua Oppenheimer</a>. <br />
which means, the correct quotation marks, count of blanks (space characters) and newlines in the "parsing string" are very important. therefore again the old and the new "search string", which is working for me, in comparison. formatList(new RegExp('<a name=#tr\\d{7,} ></a>\n<div class="sodatext"> \n((.|\n)+?)<br>', 'gi'), http.responseText, triviaUrl); formatList(new RegExp('<a name="tr\\d{7,}"></a>\n <div class="sodatext">\n((.|\n)+?)<br />', 'gi'), http.responseText, triviaUrl); so maybe there is anyone, who is good in this regular expression thing... Matthias | | | Matze
"There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it." - Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) | | | Last edited: by Matze00 |
| Registered: March 18, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 6,475 |
| Posted: | | | | @Matze00 While the details of this code are beyond my skills, I applied your changes and confirmed that they work for me. Good job.  @Addicted - make sure you reply with quote and then copy code from within the quote block directly, not from the screen, in order to avod errors caused by screen formatting. But maybe you knew that already. | | | Thanks for your support. Free Plugins available here. Advanced plugins available here. Hey, new product!!! BDPFrog. | | | Last edited: by mediadogg |
| Registered: March 13, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 13,203 |
| Posted: | | | | Quoting mediadogg: Quote: @Matze00
While the details of this code are beyond my skills, I applied your changes and confirmed that they work for me.
Good job.  Just tested and they work for me as well.  | | | No dictator, no invader can hold an imprisoned population by force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against this power, governments and tyrants and armies cannot stand. The Centauri learned this lesson once. We will teach it to them again. Though it take a thousand years, we will be free. - Citizen G'Kar |
| Registered: March 13, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 17,337 |
| Posted: | | | | OK... I seemed to mess something up.... I tried to do again... and must of copied over too much by accident or something. Could someone that has it working again post the entire code for me? I would appreciate it. Thanks!
Edit: All I am getting is a plane white box now. | | | Pete | | | Last edited: by Addicted2DVD |
| Registered: March 18, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 6,475 |
| Posted: | | | | Quoting Addicted2DVD: Quote: OK... I seemed to mess something up.... I tried to do again... and must of copied over too much by accident or something. Could someone that has it working again post the entire code for me? I would appreciate it. Thanks! It is only a one line change. Just go back to your original and copy / paste that one one bolded line that Matze00 posted. I think your problem is that you are trying to copy from the formatted screen. You need to "reply quote" and copy the code from the actual post, so that the line breaks don't get messed up. You will have the same problem, even if somebody reposts the whole thing. I didn't have anything before - I just used what was in this thread (original + fix one line), and it worked. | | | Thanks for your support. Free Plugins available here. Advanced plugins available here. Hey, new product!!! BDPFrog. | | | Last edited: by mediadogg |
| Registered: March 13, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 17,337 |
| Posted: | | | | Thank You mediadogg! I was actually copying from a quote... but what I didn't notice (guess my eyes are worse then I thought!) is that he put the line in bold... and I ended up copying the bold tags right with it! All is working now. Thanks Again! | | | Pete |
| Registered: March 18, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 6,475 |
| Posted: | | | | Quoting Addicted2DVD: Quote: Thank You mediadogg! I was actually copying from a quote... but what I didn't notice (guess my eyes are worse then I thought!) is that he put the line in bold... and I ended up copying the bold tags right with it!
All is working now.
Thanks Again! Yaaay!!!!  | | | Thanks for your support. Free Plugins available here. Advanced plugins available here. Hey, new product!!! BDPFrog. |
| Registered: March 2, 2008 | Posts: 33 |
| Posted: | | | | | | | Matze
"There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it." - Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) |
| Registered: May 26, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 599 |
| Posted: | | | | Quoting Matze00: Quote: for me the following seems to be working...
// get imdb id and check imdb for trivia function processIMDb(triviaUrl) { sendRequest(triviaUrl, '', 'GET', '', function (http) { if (http.status === 200) { formatList(new RegExp('<a name=#tr\\d{7,} ></a>\n<div class="sodatext"> \n((.|\n)+?)<br>', 'gi'), http.responseText, triviaUrl); } else { alertStatus('processIMDb', http); } }); }
// get imdb id and check imdb for trivia function processIMDb(triviaUrl) { sendRequest(triviaUrl, '', 'GET', '', function (http) { if (http.status === 200) { formatList(new RegExp('<a name="tr\\d{7,}"></a>\n <div class="sodatext">\n((.|\n)+?)<br />', 'gi'), http.responseText, triviaUrl); } else { alertStatus('processIMDb', http); } }); }
Thanks for your help, it's good to have this back! |
| Registered: March 13, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 17,337 |
| Posted: | | | | For manual profiles... the current Trivia window pulls the IMDB number from the notes field. I was wondering if anyone here that still uses this html window knows an adjustment that could be made so that if you have the IMDB link added to "My Links" that the html window could automatically pull it from there instead of having to have it both in My Links as well as the notes section. I know absolutely noting about writing code... so any help would be greatly appreciated.  | | | Pete |
| Registered: March 18, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 6,475 |
| Posted: | | | | Hey I am way late to this party, but I just checked and I don't see My Links available in the HTML Section data variables. So, a good idea, but not possible without some development work. | | | Thanks for your support. Free Plugins available here. Advanced plugins available here. Hey, new product!!! BDPFrog. | | | Last edited: by mediadogg |
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