Looking for another common name for a sound guy that worked in older films (sorry, you can blame Miracle on 34th Street for these and upcoming common name threads ![](/images/emoticons/laugh.gif) ). I've managed to confirm quite a few on my own, but it unfortunately doesn't bring the system any closer to a solid common name. I know common name threads for crew members that worked on older films are hit and miss, but I thought I'd give this one a go anyway (for anyone reading that doesn't usually help out, if you own a couple of these older films, if you could take a moment to verify a name or two, it'd be really appreciated!). I've listed all the films contained within the database here, but there might be a few out on dvd/blu-ray that aren't in the system yet, if you have one, please feel free to list it and I'll add it under the appropriate name. As always, any and all help will buy you my undying gratitude forever and always (or until the next common name thread I start... ![](/images/emoticons/tongue_smilie.gif) ). Arthur von Kirbach 19/37 (12 Confirmed)-Alexander’s Ragtime Band (Confirmed by Merrik) -Captain January (Confirmed by Merrik) -Charlie Chan at the Circus (Confirmed by Merrik) -Day-Time Wife (Confirmed by Merrik) -Jesse James (Confirmed by MickySpoon) -Laurel & Hardy: A-Haunting We Will Go (Confirmed by Merrik) -Laurel & Hardy: The Bullfighters (Confirmed by Merrik) -Moon Over Miami (Confirmed by Merrik) -Suez (Confirmed by Merrik) -This Above All (Confirmed by Merrik) -This is My Affair (Confirmed by Merrik) -Thunderhead: Son of Flicka (Confirmed by Merrik) Arthur L. Kirbach 24/119 (18 Confirmed)-Belles on Their Toes (Confirmed by Merrik) -Carmen Jones (Confirmed by MickySpoon) -Cluny Brown (Confirmed by Merrik) -The Day the Earth Stood Still (Confirmed by Merrik) -Demetrius and the Gladiators (Confirmed by Merrik) -Destination Gobi (Confirmed by Sidrat) -The Dolly Sisters (Confirmed by Merrik) -The Enemy Below (Confirmed by Merrik) -Les Miserables (1952) (Confirmed by CalebAndCo) -A Letter to Three Wives (Confirmed by Merrik) -Miracle on 34th Street (Confirmed by Merrik) -My Blue Heaven (Confirmed by Merrik) -Slattery’s Hurricane (Confirmed by Merrik) -The Snake Pit (Confirmed by Merrik) -That Lady in Ermine (Confirmed by Merrik) -Titanic (1953) (Confirmed by Merrik) -Unfaithfully Yours (Confirmed by Rizor) -With a Song in my Heart (Confirmed by Merrik) Arthur Kirbach 5/7 (3 Confirmed)-Man in the Attic (Confirmed by Merrik) -The Raid (1954) (Confirmed by Merrik) -Snow White and the Three Stooges (Confirmed by Merrik) Arthur L. von Kirbach 1/1 (0 Confirmed)(Non-existent… the only credit is for Miracle on 34th Street and that’s confirmed as Arthur L. Kirbach)5 Unconfirmed Credits:George White’s Scandals Lillian Russell The Story of Alexander Graham Bell Where Do We Go From Here? The Young Land |